Energy Flows in Reiki TUMMO™

Once your Kundalini is awakened in Reiki TUMMO™ level 2 attunement, there are two major energy types used in Reiki TUMMO™. They are the divine energy and Kundalini (TUMMO) energy. Besides these two types of energy, there are other types that flow when you are channeling energy. Let us first see the energies that flow when you are not channeling and then the energies that flow when you are channeling with Reiki TUMMO™.  Please note that all of these energies flow automatically without the need for you to control them.

Energy that Flows Continuously

With Reiki TUMMO™, the divine energy and Kundalini energy flow continuously 24 hours a day as long as your body posture is correct, even if you do not have any intention to channel energy at all. The energies are:

  1. The divine energy that flows in from the crown chakra cleansing the entire body starting from the top portion of the body downward. If you are relaxed, the divine energy will flow stronger and sometimes you can feel the excess energy flowing out of the chakras in your palms and fingertips.
  2. Kundalini energy that flows upward cleansing the entire body starting from the bottom portion and out through the crown chakra. The burst of Kundalini energy flowing out of the crown chakra can usually be felt quite easily.
  3. The Kundalini energy that flows out of the crown chakra, mixes with the divine energy and flows back down in a mixture that forms a golden-yellow and silvery-white energy shower that is absorbed by the body. This energy will automatically increase your energy quality by increasing the energy vibration.
  4. Some of the golden-yellow and silvery-white energy shower will flow to the Kundalini center at the perineum to release new coils of Kundalini energy.

Energy that Flows During Energy Channeling

As you channel energy to heal yourself or others, the energy will flow in larger quantities. Remember that all these energies flow automatically even though you are not aware of them. The energies are:

  1. The divine energy that flows in from the crown chakra cleansing your entire body starting from the top and coming out of your palm chakras and the chakras at your fingertips.
  2. Not all of the divine energy that flows into your body will flow out in healing. Part of the divine energy will flow down to the lower part of the body to cleanse and drag out impurities from the lower body. The divine energy usually flows down to the earth core.
  3. The earth energy flows upward from your feet if you are standing or from your base chakra if you are sitting on the floor and flows to the Kundalini center at the perineum. The earth energy will release more Kundalini coils and cause the Kundalini to become more active.
  4. The Kundalini energy that has been released from the coil will flow upward to cleanse and then out through the crown chakra.
  5. The Kundalini energy that flows out of the crown chakra mixes with the divine energy and flows back down in the shape of a golden- yellow and silvery-white energy shower that is absorbed by the body.
  6. Part of the golden-yellow and silvery-white energy shower flows to the Kundalini center at the perineum and together with the earth energy releases more coils of Kundalini energy and makes the Kundalini more active.
  7. At times, some of the Kundalini energy flows out of the palm chakras to the client (or yourself) if required. Usually the need for Kundalini energy during healing occurs if the problem is related to the chakras or the sushumna channel.

Based on this explanation, you can see that your Kundalini will become more active every time you channel energy. Thus, you activate your Kundalini every time you channel energy. For those who are sensitive, the flow of the Kundalini energy is felt stronger along your sushumna channel while you are channeling energy as compared to the time when you are not channeling energy.

The picture below shows how rich the energy flow that happens automatically every time Reiki TUMMO™ Level 2 practitioner or higher channel Reiki TUMMO™ energy.

The Map of Reiki TUMMO™ Energy Flow